As you travel around mining you'll have noticed that When you hold your mouse over a vein or node that there are 5 different colors that you are seeinghese represent the difficulty in mining these nodes relative to your skill levelhis is crucial to remember given that it will affect how fast or Whether or not you may even be able to gain a skill up at all by striking a mining nodehe 5 different colors are Gray, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Redhese 5 colors are a World of Warcraft standard guide to all WoW Professions and should be remembered for future reference were you to ever do another profession besides mininged - Red represents the highest of difficultiesf you find a red text mining node, it means you are not high enough with your mining skill to mine this yetf you click on the vein or node anyways it will tell you what skill you do demand so that you can remember at a later timerange - This is frequently the best color for you to try to miWeb is the most diffic ... [Read More - World Of Warcraft Mounts In Northrend]

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